Cyber Security Awareness
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Why cyber security is important?
In today's digital age, cybersecurity awareness is critical. Due to our increasing reliance on technology, protecting our data and systems from cyber threats is a priority that should be implemented from the moment we start using technology. Cybersecurity helps protect our personal information, financial data, and even our national security.
Rahmawati Ilyas
Rahmawati Ilyas is an Informatics Engineering graduate who has 15 years of experience in IT Security at Kalbe Farma. Sharing awareness about cyber security is important to her, as it can help Kalbe employees understand the risks and threats associated with cyber security.
Pramitha Widyasari
Pramitha Widyasari, an Information Systems graduate, has been working as IT Security at Kalbe Farma for quite some time. According to her, to protect the company from cyber attacks, active participation from employees is very important. This security program is one of the steps taken to involve employees in the fight against cyber security.