Genome Analysis Toolkit

 In the era of personalized medicine and genetic research, understanding how to analyze and interpret genetic data is important. This course provides a comprehensive overview of the Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK), a powerful and widely-used software package for processing and interpreting DNA sequencing data.

You will delve into the fundamental principles of genomics, from variant calling to quality control, and emerge with the expertise to extract meaningful insights from genetic information. Join us in this transformative journey to explore the hidden code of life and become a proficient practitioner in the dynamic field of genomics.

  • Learners

  • Materials

    3+ Videos
  • Duration

    Up to 4  Hours
  • Documents

    3+ PDFs


  • Advance Bioinformatics
  • GATK
  • Access Sequence Data Advanced

Meet Our Team

Risman Adnan
Digital technology Director

Risman Adnan received the B.Sc. and the M.Sc. in theoretical physics, and the Ph.D. degrees in computer science from Universitas Indonesia, in 1998, 2000, and 2021, respectively. Starting in 2004, he spent ten years as the Director of the Developer Ecosystem at Microsoft Indonesia. He joined Samsung Research and Development Indonesia (SRIN), as the Chief Technology Officer to incubate and nurture AI, IoT, and Cloud technology competencies, in 2014.

He joined Kalbe Digital Lab as the Digital Technology Director in 2023. His research interests include theoretical physics, machine learning, and quantum computing.

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